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Tempo.co Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Tempo.co

Comprehensive analysis of Tempo.co's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #782 globally with 2,177,163 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

3 months ago

Backlink Statistics for Tempo.co

Tempo.co has built a robust backlink profile with 119,705 referring domains and 4,858,189 total backlinks. With 57.7% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


57.7% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Tempo.co ranks for 12,854 keywords in position #1, and 36,480 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 6 countries, with strongest performance in Indonesia and India. This demonstrates Tempo.co's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Tempo.co

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
detik.com 1,039,937 24.1 418,474
↑188,338 ↓284,595 New 457,117
kompas.com 979,266 25.7 357,454
↑186,108 ↓259,492 New 436,214
liputan6.com 895,212 34.0 192,939
↑198,626 ↓228,646 New 410,220
tribunnews.com 835,721 42.7 102,087
↑96,746 ↓178,586 New 535,188
kumparan.com 797,868 32.8 214,214
↑188,067 ↓220,692 New 317,008
cnnindonesia.com 646,291 36.5 137,502
↑152,724 ↓162,388 New 291,541
antaranews.com 619,798 39.2 80,535
↑106,700 ↓101,265 New 395,669
idntimes.com 588,719 39.2 103,291
↑143,065 ↓164,085 New 248,809
tokopedia.com 534,664 26.3 163,945
↑71,562 ↓71,927 New 368,768

Top Keywords for Tempo.co

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
wa website https://www.tempo.co/digital/7-cara-login-whatsapp-web-dengan-mudah-tanpa-qr-code-1063793 7 37,200,000 952,320 49 - -
whatsapp website https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1917573/cara-login-whatsapp-web-dengan-nomor-hp 7 20,400,000 522,240 72 - -
liga 1 https://www.tempo.co/tag/liga-1 7 6,120,000 287,028 67 - -
translate https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1914958/5-website-translate-bahasa-yang-akurat-dan-gratis 39 124,000,000 260,400 30 - -
restoran https://www.tempo.co/tag/restoran 10 4,090,000 191,821 14 - -
whatsapp web https://www.tempo.co/tag/whatsapp-web 11 20,400,000 185,640 36 - -
klasemen liga 1 https://www.tempo.co/tag/klasemen-liga-1 7 5,000,000 169,000 28 - -
facebook https://www.tempo.co/tag/facebook 12 16,600,000 124,500 100 - -
indonesia vs bahrain https://bola.tempo.co/read/1914804/jadwal-timnas-indonesia-berikutnya-di-kualifikasi-piala-dunia-2026-lawan-bahrain-dan-cina-pada-oktober 5 1,830,000 120,597 1 - -
inggris vs swiss https://www.tempo.co/sepakbola/hasil-euro-2024-inggris-vs-swiss-1-1-the-three-lions-lolos-ke-semifinal-setelah-menang-adu-penalti-5-3-42492 1 368,000 111,872 0 - -
telegram https://www.tempo.co/tag/telegram 9 5,000,000 98,500 99 - -
hasil liga champion https://www.tempo.co/tag/liga-champions 3 550,000 89,100 32 - -
character ai https://www.tempo.co/tag/character-ai 7 3,350,000 85,760 75 - -
wa web https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1844837/cara-blur-chat-wa-di-laptop-yang-aman-agar-tidak-diintip 28 37,200,000 78,120 23 - -
timnas https://www.tempo.co/tag/timnas-indonesia 9 1,500,000 70,350 68 - -
klasemen liga inggris https://www.tempo.co/tag/klasemen-liga-inggris 12 3,350,000 65,995 31 - -
cuaca https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1932088/prakiraan-cuaca-bmkg-siklon-tropis-trami-picu-gelombang-tinggi-dan-hujan-di-beberapa-wilayah-waspada-banjir-rob 41 30,400,000 63,840 11 - -
indonesia vs australia https://bola.tempo.co/read/1914677/hasil-timnas-indonesia-vs-australia-di-kualifikasi-piala-dunia-2026-maarten-paes-gemilang-skuad-garuda-imbangi-socceroos-0-0 7 1,830,000 61,854 0 - -
euro 2024 https://www.tempo.co/tag/euro-2024 13 4,090,000 61,350 65 - -
klasemen timnas indonesia vs tim nasional sepak bola australia https://bola.tempo.co/read/1927041/klasemen-grup-c-kualifikasi-piala-dunia-2026-pekan-ketiga-timnas-indonesia-turun-ke-posisi-5-usai-ditahan-bahrain-2-2-jepang-dan-australia-menang 1 201,000 61,104 2 - -
liga champions https://www.tempo.co/tag/liga-champions 12 2,740,000 53,978 69 - -
hasil liga italia https://www.tempo.co/tag/hasil-liga-italia 4 550,000 53,515 23 - -
indonesia vs jepang https://bola.tempo.co/read/1911890/jadwal-timnas-indonesia-vs-jepang-di-kualifikasi-piala-dunia-2026-mundur-sehari 5 550,000 53,515 4 - -
download video tiktok https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1915121/3-cara-download-video-tiktok-tanpa-watermark-dengan-mudah 29 24,900,000 52,290 52 - -
indonesia vs irak https://www.tempo.co/tag/indonesia-vs-irak 9 2,240,000 44,128 0 - -
chatgpt https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1939385/cara-pakai-chatgpt-bahasa-indonesia-dengan-mudah-dan-cepat 67 20,400,000 42,840 86 - -
terjemah https://seleb.tempo.co/read/1930679/lirik-lagu-dan-terjemahan-dopamine-milik-giselle-aespa 68 20,400,000 42,840 41 - -
terjemahan https://seleb.tempo.co/read/1930679/lirik-lagu-dan-terjemahan-dopamine-milik-giselle-aespa 40 20,400,000 42,840 30 - -
berita terkini https://www.tempo.co/ 7 823,000 38,598 100 - -
atm mandiri terdekat https://bisnis.tempo.co/read/1823028/cara-mencari-mesin-atm-mandiri-terdekat-dari-lokasi-anda 6 368,000 35,806 0 - -
croxy proxy.com https://www.tempo.co/digital/begini-cara-membuka-situs-yang-diblokir-di-google-chrome-48257 46 16,600,000 34,860 18 - -
fb https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1913098/cara-mengaktifkan-fb-pro-dengan-mudah-agar-bisa-menghasilkan-uang 31 16,600,000 34,860 47 - -
ig https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1923604/cara-mengembalikan-postingan-instagram-yang-terhapus-tanpa-aplikasi-tambahan 46 16,600,000 34,860 100 - -
tempo https://www.tempo.co/ 1 110,000 33,440 62 - -
copa del rey https://www.tempo.co/tag/copa-del-rey 3 201,000 32,562 33 - -
copa america 2024 https://www.tempo.co/tag/copa-america-2024 7 673,000 31,563 42 - -
klasemen liga spanyol https://www.tempo.co/tag/klasemen-liga-spanyol 7 673,000 31,563 25 - -
website whatsapp https://www.tempo.co/tag/whatsapp-web 8 1,220,000 31,232 71 - -
perplexity ai https://www.tempo.co/tag/perplexity-ai 9 1,220,000 29,982 75 - -
palestina https://www.tempo.co/tag/palestina 8 450,000 29,655 45 - -
brighton vs man united https://www.tempo.co/sepakbola/hasil-liga-inggris-pekan-kedua-brighton-vs-manchester-united-2-1-gol-joao-pedro-hancurkan-setan-merah--16145 4 301,000 29,287 6 - -
mahfud md https://www.tempo.co/tag/mahfud-md 7 301,000 29,287 53 - -
lk21 https://seleb.tempo.co/read/1925364/jangan-lk21-ini-9-tempat-nonton-film-online-resmi-yang-aman 33 13,600,000 28,560 22 - -
terjemahkan https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1895113/terjemahkan-bahasa-asing-dalam-bahasa-lokal-google-sediakan-gboard-untuk-android-dan-ios 43 13,600,000 28,560 19 - -
tiktok https://www.tempo.co/tag/tiktok 82 13,600,000 28,560 91 - -
kate middleton https://www.tempo.co/tag/kate-middleton 3 90,500 27,512 35 - -
prabowo gibran https://koran.tempo.co/tag/prabowo-gibran 3 165,000 26,730 30 - -
drakor id https://www.tempo.co/tag/drakor-id 6 550,000 25,795 0 - -
hasil europa 2024 https://bola.tempo.co/read/1924242/rekap-hasil-dan-klasemen-liga-europa-jumat-dinihari-4-oktober-2024-porto-vs-manchester-united-3-3-tottenham-menang-as-roma-kalah 5 550,000 25,795 3 - -
prabowo subianto https://www.tempo.co/tag/prabowo-subianto 10 1,000,000 25,600 62 - -
hasil liga inggris https://www.tempo.co/tag/klasemen-liga-inggris 9 1,220,000 24,034 54 - -
gibran https://nasional.tempo.co/read/1932070/apa-saja-tugas-wakil-presiden-gibran-rakabuming-ini-penjelasannya 6 246,000 23,935 27 - -
whatsapp https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1931744/cara-menyembunyikan-foto-profil-whatsapp 26 11,100,000 23,310 81 - -
hasil liga 1 https://www.tempo.co/tag/klasemen-liga-1 7 673,000 22,747 35 - -
telegram web https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1901256/cara-membuka-telegram-web-di-komputer 9 1,500,000 22,500 92 - -
balto https://www.tempo.co/internasional/mengenal-balto-anjing-pahlawan-estafet-kereta-luncur-alaska-1920-yang-punya-gen-unggul-193295 2 74,000 22,496 20 - -
dry text artinya https://www.tempo.co/digital/arti-dry-text-yang-viral-di-medsos-contoh-dan-cara-membalasnya-43824 1 74,000 22,496 0 - -
gorengan https://travel.tempo.co/read/1744005/13-gorengan-khas-indonesia-ada-yang-terkenal-di-mancanegara 1 74,000 22,496 0 - -
kode transfer bca ke dana https://www.tempo.co/ekonomi/5-cara-transfer-bca-ke-dana-lewat-atm-dan-mobile-banking-1711 1 74,000 22,496 4 - -
tomy winata https://bisnis.tempo.co/read/1897851/deretan-bisnis-tomy-winata-yang-populer-ada-scbd-hingga-rempang-eco-city 2 74,000 22,496 0 - -
indonesia vs thailand https://www.tempo.co/tag/indonesia-vs-thailand 3 135,000 21,870 7 - -
scribd downloader https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1896152/10-cara-download-scribd-gratis-tanpa-login 5 450,000 21,105 37 - -
dpt online https://pemilu.tempo.co/read/1919565/cara-cek-dpt-pilkada-2024-secara-online 7 823,000 21,068 25 - -
madrid v man city https://www.tempo.co/tag/manchester-city-vs-real-madrid 8 823,000 21,068 19 - -
madrid vs man city https://www.tempo.co/tag/manchester-city-vs-real-madrid 8 823,000 21,068 19 - -
gemini ai https://www.tempo.co/digital/ketahui-3-cara-menggunakan-gemini-ai-dan-manfaatnya-dalam-bisnis-8351 11 2,240,000 20,384 33 - -
liverpool v manchester city https://www.tempo.co/tag/liverpool-vs-manchester-city 5 301,000 19,835 3 - -
mcfc vs liverpool https://www.tempo.co/tag/liverpool-vs-manchester-city 5 301,000 19,835 8 - -
pik 2 https://koran.tempo.co/read/opini/489799/psn-pik-2-menggusur-sawah-produktif 9 301,000 19,835 0 - -
ppdb jateng 2024 https://nasional.tempo.co/read/1878449/ppdb-2024-jawa-tengah-jenjang-sma-dibuka-cek-jadwal-dan-cara-daftarnya 5 301,000 19,835 16 - -
tim nasional sepak bola vietnam https://www.tempo.co/tag/timnas-vietnam 7 301,000 19,835 30 - -
bank mandiri terdekat https://bisnis.tempo.co/read/1790890/3-cara-mencari-bank-mandiri-terdekat-dengan-lokasi-anda 7 201,000 19,557 0 - -
canva https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1932045/canva-luncurkan-sejumlah-fitur-baru-yang-didukung-ai-untuk-permudah-desain 25 9,140,000 19,194 65 - -
translate inggris indonesia https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1914958/5-website-translate-bahasa-yang-akurat-dan-gratis 26 9,140,000 19,194 11 - -
download foto instagram https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1926331/8-cara-download-foto-instagram-dengan-mudah-kualitas-hd 6 550,000 18,590 52 - -
tokopedia https://www.tempo.co/tag/tokopedia 18 3,350,000 18,579 63 - -
berita subsidi https://koran.tempo.co/tag/subsidi 2 60,500 18,392 8 - -
bulan puasa 2024 https://www.tempo.co/politik/muhammadiyah-tetapkan-1-ramadan-pada-11-maret-2024-dan-idul-fitri-pada-10-april-2024-85244 1 60,500 18,392 0 - -
hacker https://www.tempo.co/tag/hacker 1 60,500 18,392 8 - -
hilirisasi adalah https://koran.tempo.co/read/ekonomi-dan-bisnis/483154/arti-hilirisasi-dan-fungsinya 1 60,500 18,392 2 - -
pertandingan timnas indonesia vs tim nasional sepak bola australia https://bola.tempo.co/read/1914677/hasil-timnas-indonesia-vs-australia-di-kualifikasi-piala-dunia-2026-maarten-paes-gemilang-skuad-garuda-imbangi-socceroos-0-0 3 60,500 18,392 0 - -
bomboloni https://travel.tempo.co/read/1810653/apa-perbedaan-donat-bomboloni-dan-cromboloni 2 110,000 17,820 0 - -
debat capres https://www.tempo.co/tag/debat-capres 2 110,000 17,820 7 - -
liga 2 https://www.tempo.co/tag/liga-2 7 368,000 17,259 29 - -
liga champions uefa https://www.tempo.co/tag/liga-champions 10 368,000 17,259 74 - -
kelasemen kualifikasi piala dunia zona asia https://www.tempo.co/sepakbola/klasemen-kualifikasi-piala-dunia-2026-zona-asia-putaran-ketiga-iran-jepang-korea-uzbekistan-belum-terkalahkan-352878 8 673,000 17,228 0 - -
klasemen liga champions https://www.tempo.co/sepakbola/liga-champions-pakai-format-baru-ini-rekap-hasil-pekan-pertama-klasemen-dan-jadwal-pekan-kedua-7368 10 673,000 17,228 2 - -
getcontact https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1917069/cara-menggunakan-getcontact-untuk-mengetahui-nomor-asing 12 1,830,000 16,653 12 - -
terjemahkan inggris ke indonesia https://www.tempo.co/digital/5-website-translate-bahasa-yang-akurat-dan-gratis-10669 11 1,830,000 16,653 15 - -
klasemen la liga https://www.tempo.co/tag/klasemen-liga-spanyol 10 823,000 16,213 23 - -
webcam toy https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1717691/apa-itu-webcam-toy-serta-cara-memakainya-di-laptop-dan-hp 8 823,000 16,213 5 - -
arsenal vs hotspurs https://bola.tempo.co/read/1916452/prediksi-tottenham-hotspur-vs-arsenal-di-liga-inggris-jadwal-kondisi-tim-h2h-perkiraan-susunan-pemain 5 246,000 16,211 1 - -
liverpool vs arsenal https://www.tempo.co/tag/liverpool-vs-arsenal 4 246,000 16,211 3 - -
madrid vs atalanta https://bola.tempo.co/read/1903986/hasil-real-madrid-vs-atalanta-skor-akhir-2-0-gol-debut-mbappe-antar-los-blancos-juara-piala-super-eropa-2024 5 246,000 16,211 3 - -
rusia https://www.tempo.co/tag/rusia 10 246,000 16,211 28 - -
sawah https://www.tempo.co/tag/sawah 6 246,000 16,211 0 - -
anies https://www.tempo.co/tag/anies-baswedan 6 165,000 16,054 61 - -
atm terdekat https://bisnis.tempo.co/read/1803011/4-cara-menemukan-atm-terdekat-dari-lokasi-saya-sekarang 3 165,000 16,054 0 - -
klasemen tim nasional sepak bola arab saudi vs timnas indonesia https://bola.tempo.co/read/1912950/klasemen-grup-c-kualifikasi-piala-dunia-2026-tahan-arab-saudi-1-1-timnas-indonesia-tempati-posisi-keempat 5 165,000 16,054 0 - -
anoboy https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1675359/7-situs-anime-legal-aman-bukan-seperti-anoboy-yang-terlarang 38 7,480,000 15,708 0 - -

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Tempo.co?

Tempo.co ranks for 2,177,163 keywords, with 12,854 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "wa website" (37,200,000 monthly searches), "whatsapp website" (20,400,000 monthly searches), and "liga 1" (6,120,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Tempo.co's strong presence in search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Tempo.co?

Analysis of Tempo.co's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 6 countries. The top markets include Indonesia (10,250,115 monthly visitors), India (67,063 monthly visitors), and United States (58,865 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Tempo.co's international reach, with particularly strong performance in Indonesia.

Who Are Tempo.co's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Tempo.co faces strong competition from tempo.co (1,211,769 shared keywords), detik.com (1,039,937 shared keywords), and kompas.com (979,266 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in tempo.co and detik.com which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 43.7 for its top competitor, Tempo.co maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Tempo.co's Search Engine Visibility?

Tempo.co's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 12,854 keywords in position #1 and 36,480 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 225,245 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Tempo.co's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 5,865,319 monthly visitors, Tempo.co demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in Indonesia and India contributes to its global rank of #782. This traffic distribution, combined with 2,177,163 ranking keywords, positions Tempo.co as a significant player in the digital space.

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