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Spiegel.de Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Spiegel.de

Comprehensive analysis of Spiegel.de's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #726 globally with 2,740,475 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

2 months ago

Backlink Statistics for Spiegel.de

Spiegel.de has built a robust backlink profile with 344,353 referring domains and 75,451,097 total backlinks. With 73.1% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


73.1% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Spiegel.de ranks for 18,330 keywords in position #1, and 58,480 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 8 countries, with strongest performance in Germany and Austria. This demonstrates Spiegel.de's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Spiegel.de

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
stern.de 934,685 42.7 120,835
↑250,705 ↓253,308 New 377,189
welt.de 914,399 44.6 110,662
↑235,899 ↓272,043 New 352,421
focus.de 892,570 44.8 112,957
↑194,329 ↓283,889 New 362,909
faz.net 859,478 43.8 105,814
↑207,901 ↓260,615 New 343,594
bild.de 841,591 41.1 133,441
↑192,170 ↓235,690 New 365,260
sueddeutsche.de 830,335 48.7 65,651
↑197,674 ↓229,429 New 365,334
gutefrage.net 790,783 41.4 140,758
↑221,609 ↓150,404 New 360,825
t-online.de 782,821 43.8 98,634
↑174,805 ↓248,959 New 314,259
zeit.de 695,370 47.4 62,081
↑167,706 ↓194,680 New 301,696

Top Keywords for Spiegel.de

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
bild https://www.spiegel.de/thema/bild/ 10 45,500,000 896,350 60 I $0.93
facebook https://www.spiegel.de/thema/facebook/ 5 16,600,000 778,540 58 N $0.66
spiegel https://www.spiegel.de/ 1 2,240,000 680,960 50 C $0.51
nachrichten https://www.spiegel.de/ 5 7,480,000 492,932 100 N $0.53
spiegel online https://www.spiegel.de/ 1 1,500,000 456,000 60 N $1.86
putin https://www.spiegel.de/thema/wladimir_putin/ 3 823,000 250,192 50 I $2.08
focusing https://www.spiegel.de/gesundheit/psychologie/focusing-eine-methode-gegen-stress-und-belastung-a-1052344.html 6 2,740,000 180,566 5 I $1.23
instagram https://www.spiegel.de/thema/instagram/ 9 9,140,000 180,058 100 N $0.24
postbank https://www.spiegel.de/thema/postbank/ 7 1,830,000 178,059 50 I $0.14
news https://www.spiegel.de/ 7 5,000,000 169,000 100 I $0.65
russland https://www.spiegel.de/thema/russland/ 4 1,000,000 162,000 35 I $0.08
solitär spielen https://spiele.spiegel.de/solitaer/ 1 450,000 136,800 38 C $1.11
w/w/w https://www.spiegel.de/ 2 450,000 136,800 100 I $0.29
tabelle bundesliga 2 https://sportdaten.spiegel.de/fussball/2-bundesliga/ergebnisse-und-tabelle/ 7 2,740,000 128,506 28 I $0.57
t-online https://www.spiegel.de/thema/t_online/ 12 11,100,000 125,430 100 N $0.50
solitaire https://spiele.spiegel.de/solitaer/ 1 368,000 111,872 21 I $1.74
israel https://www.spiegel.de/thema/israel/ 6 1,000,000 97,300 62 I $0.53
twitter https://www.spiegel.de/thema/twitter/ 6 2,740,000 92,612 75 N $0.39
puffy diddy https://www.spiegel.de/thema/p_diddy/ 3 301,000 91,504 7 C $0.05
stefan raab https://www.spiegel.de/thema/stefan_raab/ 5 550,000 89,100 30 I $1.62
wladimir putin https://www.spiegel.de/thema/wladimir_putin/ 4 550,000 89,100 67 I $2.67
nba https://www.spiegel.de/thema/national_basketball_association/ 5 1,500,000 85,011 58 I $2.29
kreuzworträtsel https://spiele.spiegel.de/kreuzwortraetsel/ 3 823,000 80,077 76 I $0.19
lidl https://www.spiegel.de/thema/lidl/ 15 7,480,000 68,068 100 N $0.05
solitär https://spiele.spiegel.de/solitaer/ 3 673,000 65,482 40 I $1.69
tagesschau https://www.spiegel.de/thema/tagesschau/ 10 4,090,000 61,350 54 I $1.29
catherine cambridge https://www.spiegel.de/thema/kate_middleton/ 3 368,000 59,616 46 I $
catherine of cambridge https://www.spiegel.de/thema/kate_middleton/ 4 368,000 59,616 47 I $
xhamster https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/xhamster-medienaufsicht-beginnt-kampf-gegen-pornoseite-von-vorne-a-1568a3d2-29a3-4483-a129-d7d0a5eded43 16 13,600,000 58,480 19 I $0.35
aral https://www.spiegel.de/thema/aral/ 10 1,220,000 57,218 55 I $0.68
afd https://www.spiegel.de/thema/alternative_fuer_deutschland/ 6 823,000 54,235 63 N $1.28
putin news https://www.spiegel.de/thema/wladimir_putin/ 5 550,000 53,515 67 N $1.36
der spiegeln https://www.spiegel.de/ 1 165,000 50,160 39 C $1.74
elon musk https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/elon-musks-falsche-behauptungen-zur-wahl-wurden-milliardenfach-angezeigt-a-0ae55175-79a4-4525-92c3-bfa53bfafca6 5 301,000 48,762 55 I $1.01
shannen maria doherty https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/tv/shannen-doherty-ist-tot-beverly-hills-90210-schauspielerin-mit-53-jahren-gestorben-a-815105b0-7464-4437-9a3b-ce9d7c84a6b1 4 301,000 48,762 29 I $
aldi nord https://www.spiegel.de/thema/aldi_nord/ 11 1,830,000 46,848 100 I $0.44
2bundesliga https://sportdaten.spiegel.de/fussball/2-bundesliga/ergebnisse-und-tabelle/ 16 6,120,000 45,900 43 I $0.87
bundesliga-tabelle https://sportdaten.spiegel.de/fussball/bundesliga/ergebnisse-und-tabelle/ 13 5,000,000 45,500 39 I $1.76
ing diba https://www.spiegel.de/thema/ing_diba/ 5 673,000 44,350 21 N $0.16
brutto-netto-rechner https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/service/brutto-netto-rechner-was-von-lohn-und-gehalt-uebrig-bleibt-a-223811.html 8 2,240,000 44,128 67 N $0.04
condor https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/condor-fluggesellschaft-plant-ab-sommer-innerdeutsche-fluege-ab-frankfurt-a-cf02d956-d434-48a3-8c5e-7f5e309e846e 4 450,000 43,785 75 N $0.41
süddeutschen zeitung https://www.spiegel.de/thema/sueddeutsche_zeitung/ 6 450,000 43,785 93 I $0.46
google https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/google-gesellschaft-fuer-freiheitsrechte-fordert-werbeverbot-fuer-cyberstalking-apps-a-987c857d-cc98-4df9-9b69-e85ce9ab40d1 43 20,400,000 42,840 100 N $0.39
fussball bundesliga https://sportdaten.spiegel.de/fussball/bundesliga/ergebnisse-und-tabelle/ 9 1,220,000 41,236 100 I $0.94
scholz https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/ampelkrise-bundeskanzler-olaf-scholz-ruft-regierungsparteien-zur-zusammenarbeit-auf-a-86762293-fc8c-4a80-924d-5af007ecf149 3 135,000 41,040 71 I $
nawalny https://www.spiegel.de/thema/alexej_nawalny/ 3 246,000 39,852 21 C $0.14
sylt https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/nikolas-haeckel-ex-buergermeister-von-sylt-ist-tot-a-b69e8bb1-72ff-4e4f-9ddd-4c57407f74a0 4 246,000 39,852 76 I $0.85
formel 1 https://www.spiegel.de/sport/formel1/ 9 1,500,000 38,400 45 I $0.21
thalia https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/thalia-uebernimmt-buecher-de-nach-insolvenz-der-weltbild-gruppe-a-1113d3c0-9efb-4bc4-ab8d-affc441ec653 7 1,500,000 38,400 71 I $0.70
netflix https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/netflix-bueros-des-streaminganbieters-wegen-verdachts-auf-steuerbetrug-durchsucht-a-e31a6892-789f-47f4-8a73-3622ed46f057 11 3,350,000 37,855 31 N $1.57
sonntagsfrage https://www.spiegel.de/thema/sonntagsfrage/ 5 550,000 36,245 54 I $2.00
catherine duchess https://www.spiegel.de/thema/kate_middleton/ 6 368,000 35,806 29 I $
catherine duchess of cambridge https://www.spiegel.de/thema/kate_middleton/ 7 368,000 35,806 50 I $
catherine elizabeth middleton https://www.spiegel.de/thema/kate_middleton/ 6 368,000 35,806 47 I $
cnn https://www.spiegel.de/thema/cnn/ 5 368,000 35,806 58 I $2.22
gdl https://www.spiegel.de/thema/gdl/ 3 368,000 35,806 29 I $0.03
spon https://www.spiegel.de/ 1 110,000 33,440 29 I $2.36
bbc https://www.spiegel.de/thema/bbc/ 2 201,000 32,562 90 I $0.48
prinzessin kate https://www.spiegel.de/thema/kate_middleton/ 6 201,000 32,562 14 I $
a zverev https://www.spiegel.de/thema/alexander_zverev/ 7 673,000 31,563 37 I $0.64
ebay https://gutscheine.spiegel.de/ebay 20 9,140,000 30,162 57 N $0.27
gg map https://www.spiegel.de/thema/google_maps/ 19 11,100,000 29,970 86 I $0.38
deutsche fußballnationalmannschaft https://www.spiegel.de/sport/fussball/fussball-nationalmannschaft-florian-wirtz-und-jamal-musiala-glaenzen-bei-7-0-gegen-bosnien-herzegowina-a-141a08a7-7234-4db3-84c8-b14f6bbcd92a 6 450,000 29,655 52 I $1.75
flughafen hamburg https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/flughafen-hamburg-auch-condor-streicht-fluege-aufgrund-erhoehter-entgelte-a-bdc80135-d8b2-4672-846e-18f57f0eacef 6 450,000 29,655 17 I $0.66
iran https://www.spiegel.de/thema/iran/ 7 450,000 29,655 41 I $
ralf schumacher https://www.spiegel.de/thema/ralf_schumacher/ 8 450,000 29,655 19 I $0.03
spanische fußballnationalmannschaft https://sportdaten.spiegel.de/verein/te1758/spanien/kader/ 7 450,000 29,655 10 I $
sud deutsch zeitung https://www.spiegel.de/thema/sueddeutsche_zeitung/ 4 450,000 29,655 76 N $0.46
sueddeutsche zeitung https://www.spiegel.de/thema/sueddeutsche_zeitung/ 6 450,000 29,655 100 I $0.46
süddeutsche zeitung heute https://www.spiegel.de/thema/sueddeutsche_zeitung/ 6 450,000 29,655 55 I $0.46
putiin https://www.spiegel.de/thema/wladimir_putin/ 6 823,000 27,817 24 C $2.08
afd news https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/spd-abgeordneter-warnt-vor-afd-stimmen-bei-vertrauensfrage-a-97afc647-7fba-49a8-9c85-c14ce506a2c2 2 90,500 27,512 45 N $1.61
solitaire-spiele kostenlos https://spiele.spiegel.de/solitaer/ 1 90,500 27,512 61 C $1.09
commerzbank https://www.spiegel.de/thema/commerzbank/ 13 1,830,000 27,450 40 N $0.26
1 bundesliga-tabelle https://sportdaten.spiegel.de/fussball/bundesliga/ergebnisse-und-tabelle/ 5 550,000 25,795 37 I $2.15
champions league tabelle https://sportdaten.spiegel.de/fussball/uefa-champions-league/ergebnisse-und-tabelle/ 7 550,000 25,795 11 I $2.95
putin kgb https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/wladimir-putin-der-russische-praesident-als-kgb-spion-in-dresden-a-2ff913fe-839b-4e06-9c44-3cd1022e0a69 6 550,000 25,795 26 I $2.67
türkei https://www.spiegel.de/thema/tuerkei/ 7 550,000 25,795 57 I $0.73
nfl https://www.spiegel.de/thema/nfl/ 9 1,000,000 25,600 59 I $1.55
focus online https://www.spiegel.de/thema/focus/ 11 2,240,000 25,312 29 N $0.74
kate middleton https://www.spiegel.de/thema/kate_middleton/ 7 368,000 24,251 19 I $
manunited https://www.spiegel.de/thema/manchester_united/ 8 368,000 24,251 31 I $0.76
airbnb https://www.spiegel.de/thema/airbnb/ 11 2,240,000 24,046 34 N $0.12
flixbus https://www.spiegel.de/thema/flixbus/ 8 1,220,000 24,034 57 C $0.07
lufthansa https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/condor-fluggesellschaft-plant-ab-sommer-innerdeutsche-fluege-ab-frankfurt-a-cf02d956-d434-48a3-8c5e-7f5e309e846e 10 1,220,000 24,034 74 N $0.06
bundesliga ergebnis https://sportdaten.spiegel.de/fussball/bundesliga/ergebnisse-und-tabelle/ 3 246,000 23,935 31 I $0.74
em ergebnisse https://sportdaten.spiegel.de/fussball/uefa-em/ergebnisse-und-tabelle/ 3 246,000 23,935 30 I $
jenny fer lopez https://www.spiegel.de/thema/jennifer_lopez/ 7 246,000 23,935 27 C $
jürgen klopp https://www.spiegel.de/thema/juergen_klopp/ 6 246,000 23,935 28 I $2.02
usa https://www.spiegel.de/thema/usa/ 5 246,000 23,935 89 I $0.32
video https://www.spiegel.de/video/ 4 246,000 23,935 76 I $0.34
alexander zverev https://www.spiegel.de/thema/alexander_zverev/ 8 673,000 22,747 18 I $0.64
william prinz von wales https://www.spiegel.de/thema/prinz_william/ 11 673,000 22,747 5 I $0.02
schlagzeilen https://www.spiegel.de/schlagzeilen/ 2 74,000 22,496 100 I $1.56
wirtschaft https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/ 1 74,000 22,496 100 I $0.88
boney m frank farian https://www.spiegel.de/geschichte/frank-farian-interview-ueber-boney-m-milli-vanilli-und-dieter-bohlen-a-8bb05039-89c7-4cf2-9064-fe1ceae13d5b 4 135,000 21,870 20 I $
frank farian https://www.spiegel.de/geschichte/frank-farian-interview-ueber-boney-m-milli-vanilli-und-dieter-bohlen-a-8bb05039-89c7-4cf2-9064-fe1ceae13d5b 4 135,000 21,870 18 I $
kreuzworträtsel online https://spiele.spiegel.de/kreuzwortraetsel/ 2 135,000 21,870 85 N $0.18
matthew perry https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/leute/matthew-perry-arzt-bekennt-sich-schuldig-im-todesfall-des-friends-stars-a-08685817-b25c-4179-b4f1-9d34211a8425 5 135,000 21,870 7 I $0.02
moskau https://www.spiegel.de/thema/moskau/ 7 135,000 21,870 38 I $0.75

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Spiegel.de?

Spiegel.de ranks for 2,740,475 keywords, with 18,330 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "bild" (45,500,000 monthly searches), "facebook" (16,600,000 monthly searches), and "spiegel" (2,240,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Spiegel.de's strong presence in informational, navigational, and commercial search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Spiegel.de?

Analysis of Spiegel.de's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 8 countries. The top markets include Germany (25,069,648 monthly visitors), Austria (846,743 monthly visitors), and Belgium (258,118 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Spiegel.de's international reach, with particularly strong performance in Germany.

Who Are Spiegel.de's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Spiegel.de faces strong competition from spiegel.de (2,331,388 shared keywords), stern.de (934,685 shared keywords), and welt.de (914,399 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in spiegel.de and stern.de which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 45.9 for its top competitor, Spiegel.de maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Spiegel.de's Search Engine Visibility?

Spiegel.de's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 18,330 keywords in position #1 and 58,480 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 314,518 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Spiegel.de's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 6,319,890 monthly visitors, Spiegel.de demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in Germany and Austria contributes to its global rank of #726. This traffic distribution, combined with 2,740,475 ranking keywords, positions Spiegel.de as a significant player in the digital space.

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