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Game8.jp Website Analysis

Website Statistics for Game8.jp

Comprehensive analysis of Game8.jp's online presence and search visibility. Currently ranked #435 globally with 596,672 ranking keywords.

Global Rank


Estimated Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Last Updated

2 months ago

Backlink Statistics for Game8.jp

Game8.jp has built a robust backlink profile with 14,123 referring domains and 1,029,156 total backlinks. With 56.7% dofollow links, this indicates a healthy and natural link profile.

Referring Domains


Total Backlinks


Dofollow Links


56.7% of total backlinks

Keyword Position Distribution

Game8.jp ranks for 91,693 keywords in position #1, and 83,410 keywords in positions 2-3, demonstrating strong search visibility across multiple terms.

* Keyword counts shown in millions

Geographic Traffic Distribution

Analysis shows significant presence across 7 countries, with strongest performance in Japan and Taiwan. This demonstrates Game8.jp's global reach and market penetration.

* Traffic values shown in millions

Top Competitors for Game8.jp

Domains with the most keyword overlap

Domain Keyword Overlap Avg Position Keywords in the top 10 Trend
yahoo.co.jp 575,146 27.8 153,434
↑64,780 ↓153,612 New 320,185
gamewith.jp 368,927 26.4 176,413
↑70,369 ↓61,727 New 124,759
ameblo.jp 340,270 39.5 31,108
↑73,965 ↓72,586 New 181,922
note.com 305,131 33.4 54,836
↑75,481 ↓54,119 New 159,343
pixiv.net 298,804 25.6 117,056
↑73,833 ↓64,356 New 109,601
rakuten.co.jp 288,248 23.1 108,699
↑72,215 ↓57,895 New 130,066
mercari.com 239,124 30.4 39,253
↑1,828 ↓1,741 New 235,108
famitsu.com 227,995 32.6 44,667
↑40,885 ↓56,607 New 115,639
altema.jp 225,193 25.8 105,941
↑37,084 ↓75,307 New 64,920

Top Keywords for Game8.jp

Top 100 keywords by traffic value

Keyword URL Position Volume Traffic Difficulty Intent CPC
ニャンコ大戦争 /battlecats 2 1,000,000 304,000 74 C $0.39
ツムツム /tsumtsum 1 823,000 250,192 36 I $0.36
ドラクエ ウォーク /dqwalk 1 673,000 204,592 71 I $0.98
パズドラ さいつよ /pazudora/18865 1 673,000 204,592 36 I $
にゃんこ大戦争 /battlecats 2 1,000,000 162,000 72 I $0.39
プロスピ /prospi_a 1 450,000 136,800 19 I $0.28
あつ森 /atsumare-doubutsunomori 2 368,000 111,872 73 I $0.17
パズドラ 最強 /pazudora/18865 2 673,000 109,026 36 I $
モンスト /monst 4 1,500,000 98,850 100 I $0.62
ポケモン sv /pokemon-sv 3 1,000,000 97,300 54 I $0.19
マイクラ /minecraft 4 1,000,000 97,300 65 I $0.09
ポケモン スリープ レシピ /pokemonsleep/542649 1 301,000 91,504 0 I $
ぷにぷに /punipuni 2 246,000 74,784 29 I $0.29
イーフト /efootball/477643 1 246,000 74,784 22 I $0.34
ツムツム 最強 /tsumtsum/17848 1 246,000 74,784 0 I $4.50
プロスピ a /prospi_a 1 246,000 74,784 42 C $0.61
最強の モンスト /monst/74494 1 246,000 74,784 7 I $7.30
最強モンスト /monst/74494 1 246,000 74,784 14 I $7.30
ポケモン スリープ /pokemonsleep 2 450,000 72,900 32 C $0.46
スターレイル /houkaistarrail 2 301,000 69,543 86 C $2.33
ダダ サバイバー /dadasurvivor 1 201,000 61,104 9 I $0.31
ドラクエ タクト /dqtact 3 201,000 61,104 44 I $1.32
龍が如く8攻略 /ryu-ga-gotoku8 1 201,000 61,104 22 N $
りゅうがごとく8 /ryu-ga-gotoku8 2 368,000 59,616 38 C $0.19
原神 /genshin 9 1,500,000 50,700 100 C $1.70
ぷにぷに隠しステージ /punipuni/35982 1 165,000 50,160 1 I $3.57
ヘブバン /heavenburnsred 2 165,000 50,160 50 I $1.70
マスター デュエル /yugioh-masterduel/423817 1 165,000 50,160 42 C $0.85
パズドラ /pazudora 4 673,000 44,350 75 I $1.34
ff14 /ff14 4 450,000 43,785 84 N $0.75
ff7 リバース 攻略 /ff7rebirth 1 135,000 41,040 16 N $
ツムツム イベント /tsumtsum/137469 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $2.85
ツムツム 新 ツム /tsumtsum/119390 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $1.07
ツムツムのイベント /tsumtsum/137469 1 135,000 41,040 0 I $2.85
モンスト 最強 /monst/74494 2 246,000 39,852 13 I $7.30
原神 キャラクター /genshin/343529 3 246,000 39,852 35 I $3.42
エルデンリング /eldenring 6 550,000 36,245 74 I $0.24
ドラクエ モンスターズ 3 /dqm3 5 550,000 36,245 65 C $0.26
ドラクエモンスター3 /dqm3 4 550,000 36,245 68 C $0.26
ファンパレ /jujutsuphanpara 3 368,000 35,806 58 I $0.46
龍が如く 8 /ryu-ga-gotoku8 3 368,000 35,806 38 C $0.19
にゃんこ大戦争 ガチャ /battlecats/204386 1 110,000 33,440 0 C $1.09
にゃんこ大戦争 最強 /battlecats/207051 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $3.80
イーフト ガチャ /efootball/477643 1 110,000 33,440 2 C $3.03
ツムツム コイン稼ぎ /tsumtsum/34165 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.60
ツムツムのコイン稼ぎ /tsumtsum/34165 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $0.60
ニャンコ大戦争最強 /battlecats/207051 1 110,000 33,440 0 T $3.80
パズドラ ガチャ /pazudora/35450 1 110,000 33,440 21 I $
パズドラのガチャ /pazudora/35450 1 110,000 33,440 15 I $
プロスピガチャ /prospi_a/314691 1 110,000 33,440 1 I $2.09
ポケスリ さらだ /pokemonsleep/543260 1 110,000 33,440 0 C $
ポケスリ サラダ /pokemonsleep/543260 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $
ポケスリ レシピ /pokemonsleep/542649 1 110,000 33,440 0 I $
ポケスリさらだ /pokemonsleep/543260 1 110,000 33,440 0 C $
ラストウォー /lastwar-survival 1 110,000 33,440 19 C $4.77
ウマ 娘 攻略 /umamusume 2 201,000 32,562 61 N $6.70
ファンパレ 最強 /jujutsuphanpara/573071 2 201,000 32,562 0 I $5.53
モンスト ガチャ /monst/74566 2 201,000 32,562 30 N $2.88
原 神 攻略 /genshin 2 201,000 32,562 100 N $4.98
放置少女 /houchishoujo 2 201,000 32,562 34 N $2.16
じゃんたま /jantama 5 673,000 31,563 63 N $0.46
原神 コード /genshin/356868 4 450,000 29,655 0 C $3.14
鳴潮 /meicho 5 450,000 29,655 63 I $3.05
f f7リバース /ff7rebirth 3 301,000 29,287 63 T $0.24
っf7リバース /ff7rebirth 3 301,000 29,287 83 N $0.24
あつ森住民 /atsumare-doubutsunomori/322892 1 90,500 27,512 1 I $0.04
こまんどマイクラ /minecraft/220024 1 90,500 27,512 0 I $0.05
ウラガンキン /mhw/191161 1 90,500 27,512 0 I $
コマンド マイクラ /minecraft/220024 1 90,500 27,512 0 I $0.05
タイムボム /tsumtsum/27956 1 90,500 27,512 0 I $0.05
ツムツム セレクトボックス /tsumtsum/642772 1 90,500 27,512 0 I $
ドラクエ 11 攻略 /dq11 1 90,500 27,512 7 N $6.90
ドラクエ 5 攻略 /dq5/63426 2 90,500 27,512 2 N $
ドラクエ 攻略 3 /dq3 1 90,500 27,512 46 N $
ドラクエ 攻略 6 /dq6/63460 1 90,500 27,512 1 N $0.35
ドラクエ3 攻略 /dq3/140774 1 90,500 27,512 14 N $
ドラクエ3の攻略 /dq3 1 90,500 27,512 46 I $
ドラクエ5 攻略 /dq5/63426 1 90,500 27,512 0 I $
ドラクエ5の攻略 /dq5/63426 1 90,500 27,512 17 I $
ドラクエ6の攻略 /dq6/63460 1 90,500 27,512 0 I $0.35
ヘブバン 最強 /heavenburnsred/425643 1 90,500 27,512 0 I $3.73
ポケスリ /pokemonsleep 1 90,500 27,512 33 I $0.57
ポケスリ カレー /pokemonsleep/543259 1 90,500 27,512 0 C $
ポケスリ デザート /pokemonsleep/543261 1 90,500 27,512 0 T $
マイクラこまんど /minecraft/220024 1 90,500 27,512 0 I $0.05
モンハン アイス ボーン /mhw/245468 1 90,500 27,512 46 C $0.29
原神キャラクター一覧 /genshin/343529 1 90,500 27,512 0 I $3.49
攻略 ドラクエ3 /dq3 1 90,500 27,512 30 I $
攻略ドラクエ3 /dq3 1 90,500 27,512 46 N $
攻略ドラクエ5 /dq5/63426 1 90,500 27,512 17 I $
攻略ドラクエ6 /dq6/63460 1 90,500 27,512 0 I $0.35
栄冠クロス /eikannine 1 90,500 27,512 12 C $0.82
あつ森美術品 /atsumare-doubutsunomori/332105 2 165,000 26,730 0 I $
ドラクエ11 /dq11 3 165,000 26,730 26 I $0.12
ドラクエ3 /dq3 3 165,000 26,730 45 I $0.12
ドラクエモンスターズ3 攻略 /dqm3 2 165,000 26,730 28 I $
ニケ最強 /nikke/492712 2 165,000 26,730 0 T $8.67
モンスト コラボレーション /monst/155169 2 165,000 26,730 27 C $2.50
モンハン ワールド /mhw 3 165,000 26,730 60 I $0.40
龍が如く8 /ryu-ga-gotoku8 4 368,000 24,251 38 N $0.19

What Are the Most Popular Keywords for Game8.jp?

Game8.jp ranks for 596,672 keywords, with 91,693 keywords in the #1 position. The most valuable keywords include "ニャンコ大戦争" (1,000,000 monthly searches), "ツムツム" (823,000 monthly searches), and "ドラクエ ウォーク" (673,000 monthly searches). These high-traffic keywords demonstrate Game8.jp's strong presence in commercial and informational search queries.

Which Countries Drive the Most Traffic to Game8.jp?

Analysis of Game8.jp's traffic distribution shows significant presence across 7 countries. The top markets include Japan (40,497,678 monthly visitors), Taiwan (5,884 monthly visitors), and Hong Kong (5,278 monthly visitors). This global footprint highlights Game8.jp's international reach, with particularly strong performance in Japan.

Who Are Game8.jp's Main Competitors?

In the competitive landscape, Game8.jp faces strong competition from game8.jp (616,555 shared keywords), yahoo.co.jp (575,146 shared keywords), and gamewith.jp (368,927 shared keywords). These competitors share significant keyword overlap, particularly in game8.jp and yahoo.co.jp which target similar audience segments. With an average position of 34.3 for its top competitor, Game8.jp maintains a competitive position in its market segment.

How Strong is Game8.jp's Search Engine Visibility?

Game8.jp's search visibility shows impressive strength across different ranking positions. With 91,693 keywords in position #1 and 83,410 keywords in positions 2-3, the domain demonstrates strong SEO performance. The total of 237,142 keywords in the top 10 positions indicates excellent content relevance and domain authority.

What is Game8.jp's Overall Market Impact?

With approximately 10,091,269 monthly visitors, Game8.jp demonstrates significant market impact. The website's strong presence in Japan and Taiwan contributes to its global rank of #435. This traffic distribution, combined with 596,672 ranking keywords, positions Game8.jp as a significant player in the digital space.

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